の デザイナー
半澤慶樹さんは、東京を拠点とするファッションブランド「PERMINUTE」 のデザイナーです。 彼は18歳まで地元福島県で教師になることを目指していましたが、東日本大震災の後、新たな進路に進むため東京へ移ることを決意しました。新宿の文化服装学院でファッションを学び、卒業と同じ年の2016年に最初のブ ランドを立ち上げました。 PERMINUTEは、生地やパターンの提案による独自の実験を通して、人生の多様性に焦点を当てた女性服のコレクションを展開しています。
Yoshiki Hanzawa is the designer of the Tokyo based brand “Perminute.” He stayed in Fukushima prefecture until he was 18 and then after the big earthquake he decided to move to Tokyo to study fashion. He studied in Bunka Fashion College in Shinjuku and in the same year of his graduation he started his first brand, Perminute, in 2016. Perminute makes women’s clothing collections, focusing on the diversity of life through his unique experiments with fabric and pattern making.


Is there a particular designer who inspired you to enter this field?
I didn't really have a specific designer in mind, but I went to a rare high school which didn't have mandatory uniforms, so I could go to school in casual clothes. I was so shocked when I saw it and admired all the different designs, and wanted to try my hand at fashion design.

H:僕はコレクションをつくるときに何か明確なテーマを一つ決めることはあまりしなくて、本当に日常の生活の中で気になることとか夢中になっているものからインスパイヤされることが多いです。 なのでコレクションのテーマやエレメントも、色々なところから引っ張って作っているのですごく複雑なリソースがあって、そこから物にアウトプットしていくっていうのが多分僕のやり方の一つかなと思っています。あとはやっぱりファッションデザイナーってデザイン画を描いて、それをパタンナーとかかモデリストの人とかに渡すのが普通だと思うんですけど、僕は自分でパターンもひいたりとか縫ったりとかもするので途中で気になったこととかはどんどん変えていけるし、アップデートも早いっていうところは僕の特徴なんじゃないかなと思っています。
What is your creative process like?
When I make a collection, I don't really decide on a clear theme, but I get inspired by what I'm passionate about and interestes me in my daily life. Therefore, the theme of the collection, or rather the elements of the theme, are pulled from various sources, so I have very complex resources, and I think one of my ways of doing things is to just pour that into my work. I think it's normal for fashion designers to draw a design and then hand it over to a pattern maker or modeler, but I draw and sew patterns myself, so I can change things as I go, and I can update the designs quickly. I think that's one of my characteristics.

Are there any designers that you would like to collaborate with now, or designers that influence you?
I'd like to collaborate with painters, graphic designers, or other creators who are making something else, rather than fashion designer working with another fashion designer. I'd really like to do more of that in the future.
Do you have a favorite painter or designer? There is a Japanese artist who I ask to do prints for me, and he may not be that famous, but I think his work is great, and I would like to collaborate with him again.
His name is Yuichiro Tamaki.

Do you have any self-care routines?
I've recently had a baby, so I've been trying to take care of my hands for when I carry him. Since I use my hands a lot for work, they get a bit tattered around the nails.
I heard the rapper Kendrick Lamar say he used to meditate for about 30 minutes every day in the morning. I thought this was a good idea, and since then, I've made it a habit to take time to relax and do nothing, whenever I have time. We are always looking at our iPhones all day long right, and sometimes I feel like that's just too much, so I try to refresh myself by doing nothing and just relaxing for at least 30 minutes per day.

昔、ラッパーの Kendrick Lamarが朝に30分くらいメディテーションしてるって聞いて、いいなと思ってそこから僕 も習慣的に時間がある時は何もしないでぼーっとする時間をとるようにしてて、 やっぱり毎日ずっとiPhone握ってるじゃないですかそれが時々「too much」だなって思う時があるのでそういうときは何も持たないで30分ぼーっとするみたいなのは結構リフレッシュになっていいですね。

H:雨降った時とか頭痛くなるのでいつもアロマオイルを持ち歩いてて、こめかみに塗ってリフレッシュしてますね 。 もうどうしても頭動かない時とかっていう時にもよく使います。
H:昔はあまりそういうの気にしてなかったんです。匂いがいいとか、安いとかで買ってたんですけど、ここ2〜3年はちょっと変わってきててどこで材料が採れてるとかどういう人たちが原料を育ててるとかということも調べると結構情報がでてきたりするんですね、そういうのを知ってから買ってみようかな っていう風にはなっています。
単純に環境に優しいとかだけじゃなくて、どこで採れててとか、トレーサビリティがあるっていうかそういうものを選ぶようにはなってきてるかな って思います。 その方が安心だとも思います。
Are there special products you use to help you relax or practice self-care?
When it rains, I get migranes, so I always carry around some aromatic oil with me, and I apply it to refresh myself. When I am simply unable to move my head out of pain, for example.
Do you ever think about the environmental aspects of the products you use?
I used to buy products just because they smelled good or were cheap, but in the past couple of years, things have changed a bit. After having learnt about the environmental aspect of products I wanted to try it out, and became more aware of what I bought. I think now I'm choosing products that are not only environmentally friendly, but also traceable to where they are grown. It's safer that way too.

H:まさにそうです。 特に今中国のウイグル自治区ってところで作られた生地だったり、労働環境が 悪かったりとか色んなものを犠牲にしながら作っているものって沢山あると思います。これは自分がやれる範囲のことではあるんですけど自分が行った産地で作ってる・織ってる・編んでる生地を自分でピックしてそれで洋服を作ってコレクションに出す、とかそういうことを意識してやったりしています。
Do you choose the fabrics used in your brand based on this sense?
That's exactly right.
There are a lot of fabrics made in the Uyghur Autonomous Region in China where the working environment is very bad and they sacrifice many things. I also try to make clothes using fabrics that are made, woven, or knitted in the production areas I have already visited and can trust.
I also try to only use botanically dyed fabrics and try to avoid chemical linings. Botanical dyeing is from plant based colors, so they are good for the environment and do not cause allergies even if they come in direct contact with the skin for example.
“In terms of fashion, I know from a user's point of view that there are too many clothes being made, and I think it is very healthy from a business and creator's point of view for a small brand like mine to make clothes that can be sold out. If this way of doing things is not limited to Japan, but spreads to many other places, I think it will be a good opportunity to make people think that fashion is interesting again.”