様々なギミックで独自の音を作り上げる電子音楽家、34423(みよし ふみ)さんにインタビュー。
The sound is strong and hard-edged with a strong impact.
Yet, it also has a POP cuteness that makes you fall in love with it.
We interviewed 34423 (Fumi Miyoshi), an electronic musician who creates unique sounds with various gimmicks.

Since I was born on the 23rd and named Fumi, I realized that I could replace my name with numbers, and since music has an inseparable relationship with numbers, such as scales and chords, I decided to start my activities with this notation.
The number "2" has a meaning that cannot be ignored in my music, such as distortion, foreignness, and discomfort, which are the opposite of the concept of creating music and collage of different materials, and the number "2" is a personal number.
I feel that I am able to face music with affirmation when I think that the number 3, which is a personal number, is combined with the number 2, which has the meaning of balance not only in music but also in daily life, and the number 3, which is connected and balanced like past, present, and future, and continues to create new works.
There is also the structure of the cable, which is unbalanced if only two points are used, but can produce a stable sound by supporting it with three points, and it also means that it can produce a stable sound.
So, for me, I think the number creates various opportunities and entrances. I simply came across Margiela's calendar tag and was impressed by the brand story, or I was a child who became strong simply because Michael Jordan wore the number 23. I think I get a lot of opportunities to encounter new things from numbers.

When I was offered this opportunity, I thought about my favorite places to get to know myself. I chose a place with a night view of a skyscraper where I could be tough and unbalanced in relation to 2 and 3, and a vintage clothing store where I could be balanced.
For me, a vintage clothing store is a place where I am directly influenced by outside influences, or rather, I feel as if I am collaborating with vintage colors, times, and places.It is also a place where I can get to know myself because it immediately reflects the things I am interested in and my mood at the time. I find myself stopping by skyscrapers when I need to focus or clear my senses. It is the kind of place where you accept how different you are. Since I make hard sounds, the images of materials and textures and lit building windows seem like boxes for the timing and sequencing of sound.
Music, to me, is something that you have to be tough to face. It's a strange feeling, as if I'm still going through a fighting pose to something all my life. Maybe this place is a place to acknowledge who I am in that moment, or maybe it's a place to reflect and move on.

昨年の夏からHEXODDという音楽レーベルとH E Dいうプロダクトブランドを同時にスタートさせたこともあり、リード曲を作り、ショーケースでコンセプトを発表し、イメージを拡張するプロダクトの制作、そして音源をパッケージするところまでがリリースの形になったので流れで考えるようになりました。
曲の制作に入ったらラップトップで、音楽ソフト(LogicとAbleton Live)を立ち上げ、シンセサイザーやサンプリングした音をコンパクトエフェクターやプラグインを通して加工してビートをコラージュしていきます。デジタル機材とアナログ機材を行き来しながらビジュアルとして受け取った色や形を音に変換していきます。
I play a never-ending game of association with words, fonts, textures, stories, etc. that express the theme and the words, and then create a presentation to myself with visuals of the concept that has formed in my mind to a certain extent.
Last summer, I started a music label called HEXODD and a product brand called H E D at the same time, so I began to think in the same way: I write a lead song, present the concept at a showcase, create a product to extend the image, and package the sound source for a release. I started to think about it.
Once I started working on the song, I would start up my music software (Logic and Ableton Live) on my laptop and I process synthesizers and sampled sounds through compact effectors and plug-ins to create a collage of beats. We will convert the colors and shapes we receive as visuals into sound, moving back and forth between digital and analog equipment.

私が拘っているのはタフな音づくりとできる限り大きなライブステージで鳴らせる構造でトラックを作ることです。そのためジャンルもカテゴライズされにくいのですが、その時私が受け取ったことや疑問が作品のテーマや音に反映されていると思うので、もしそれが誰かに届くとしたら私の想いや技術的なことを含めて、その答えやもっと良いアイディアを知りたいかな。 音楽で他ジャンルの方々ともっとコミュニケーションできたら新鮮な毎日をもっと過ごせるかなと思っています。
そして、届けたいことありました!! 私は仕掛けを作る人たちにとても興味があってその人たちをもっと知ってほしいと思います。作品が完成するまでに関わってくれた方々、例えば私のライブならV JをやってくれているHello1103の VJ yukako氏や、私の曲を歌ってくれたCHIYO Kなど。そしてエンジニアの方々やスタッフの方々などの関わってくれた方のリアルさを届けたい。私の音を面白がってくれた方がどうやってこの作品が出来上がったのかを探ってもらえたら嬉しいのでそれがわかるような形にしようと思うし、いろんな連鎖が起きてほしいと思っています。
I am concerned with creating tough sounds and making tracks with a structure that can be played on the biggest live stage possible. Therefore, genres are hard to categorize, but I think the themes and sounds of my works reflect what I received and questions I had at that time, so if it were to reach someone, I would like to know the answers and better ideas, including my thoughts and technical details.I think if I could communicate more with people of other genres through music, I would be able to spend more fresh days.
And there was something I wanted to deliver!I am very interested in the people who make the devices, and I would like to get to know them better. For example, VJ yukako of Hello1103, who does VJ for my gigs, and CHIYO K who sings my songs. I also want to bring the realness of the people who were involved, such as the engineers and staff.I would be happy if people who enjoyed my sound could explore how this work was created, so I will try to make it in a way that they can understand that, and I hope that various chains of events will occur.
Music for me now is a communication tool, so I hope to be a hub between something and something else. Maybe I want to meet people through my music.


ワンプッシュで髪全体が泡だったことと 普段からブリーチして髪がパサついていたのに、髪を乾かした後に髪がまとまっていて驚きでした。
And that my entire hair was foamy with just one push. I was surprised to find that my hair was manageable after drying it, even though my hair was usually bleached and dry.
Also, thanks to the fact that I only needed one push, I used less water and was happy that I could shorten the time and feel free from the hassle of taking time, so I would recommend this product as a step toward spending a careful daily life without strain.

New release

We all know feat. CHIYO K
Lyric: CHIYO K
34423の主宰するプロダクトブランドと 音楽レーベルの2022のコンセプトでも ある"Neighborhood Light"からオンライ ン上の隣人の関係や意識の方向をテー マとした楽曲。 "We all know"は擬人化 されたアナライズシステムとのつなが りが表現されている。 CHIYO K (ex köttur)の繊細さも大胆さもタフに表現 できる歌声をフィーチャーしている。
NFL feat. CHIYO K(neighbor for legit)
Lyric: CHIYO K
34423の主宰するプロダクトブランドと 音楽レーベルの2022のコンセプトでも ある“Neighborhood Light”からオンライ ン上の隣人の関係や意識の方向をテー マとした楽曲。 ”NFL“はneighbor for legitの略で隣の人との壁から伝わる不 思議で愉快なデュエット曲構成になっ ている。
34423 × Ikuko Morozumi
34423の主宰するプロダクトブランドと 音楽レーベルの2022のコンセプトでも ある“Neighborhood Light”からオンライ ン上の隣人の関係や意識の方向をテー マとした楽曲。サウンドアーティスト のIkuko Morozumiとコラボレーションし、 各々の部屋を巡るように実験的に作ら れている。
links1/31 RELEASE

34423がオーナーのプロダクトブランド”HED”と音楽レーベ ル”HEXODD”の2022-2023 SSのコンセプトは、ネット上の人間 関係や意識の方向性を表現した「Neighborhood Light」。 日常での近隣の解釈だけでなく、オンライン上で偶然隣に並んだ アカウントとの繋がりや、擬人化された分析システムとの繋がり、 近くにいる他人との境界線や距離感をモチーフとし、音をコラー ジュしトラックメイク。 また、繊細さと大胆さを併せ持つCHIYO K(ex köttur)のタフな 歌声をフィーチャーした楽曲やサウンドアーティストとして国外 からも高い評価を受けるIkuko Morozumiとコラボレーションし、 各々の部屋を移動するかのような実験的な楽曲を制作し、シング ル3曲同時リリース!アートワークはChie Ichikawa。 また、2023年1月末には「Neighborhood Light」EPリリースが 決定!!
Coming Soon