東京、イギリスをベースに活躍するアシッドシンガーソングライター「Yoshida Shoko」。
Acid singer-songwriter, Yoshida Shoko is based in Tokyo and the UK. After working as a drummer for the Dume Psychedelic duo TOLCHOCK, she devoted herself to her solo career. Her blues-like, alternative and oriental singing voice fascinates people.

What got you into music?
中学生まではUSミュージックが好きでよく聴いていたけれど、それからJoy DivisionとかNew OrderのUKミュージックを聞くようになってから「自分も音楽作ろう!」って思ったのがきっかけ。
SHOKO(below,S):Until junior high school, I listened to a lot of US music, and liked it, but it wasn’t until I started listening to Joy Division, New Order and other UK music that I thought I’d try creating my own music.
音とは別にパフォーマンスとして空間の演出を交えて考えるようになったのはJohn Milton Cageかな。
I think it was John Milton Cage and others like him that made me start thinking more about performance and the space of music. Those two points may be the origin of what I am today.

Redbull Music Share
Redbull Music Festival
London Worldwide Radio

We spent the day with SHOKO and got a glimpse of her world.
When we finished eating breakfast together ...
"(while drawing something in her notebook) It's not every day , but I’m writing down what I was thinking last night in my notebook for the time being, and later I'll transcribe them into lyrics and organize my thoughts. By writing something like this, and reading it again later, the accumulation of words can later be transformed into lyrics in my head.
I always have a notebook so that I can write my thoughts down like this whenever I feel like it, for example on the train. When I talk to other people, read books, or go for a walk, ideas for a melody often come to me, so I feel that my music starts from my daily life."
When we visited the shrine dedicated to Benzaiten, the charming biwa-playing goddess of good fortune, widely worshipped as the god of good fortune and the advancement of various arts and crafts, the first of the seven gods of good fortune, she muttered the following:
"If LUVHAIR's mindset is 'I want to be kind to the earth,' then I have the image that it will be kind to my body as well. When you have that image, you feel that sustainable products are good for the environment, your hair and your body, and you can take care of yourself.”
Afterwards, she gave a powerful live performance at a live house in Aoyama-itchome.
"The world is in a difficult situation right now, and it is changing at a dizzying pace, so I think there are times when you feel rushed to do various things. If you can find your own pace and reevaluate what you originally liked to do, I think you can enjoy it and push forward with it."