peavis、SUNABAGUN. 、など日本のHIP-HOP界を牽引するアーティストの
Ayaka Ohira is an animator and video director based in Tokyo.
Her work has attracted many people with its new style of crossover between live action and animation, and a cell style animation with a touch of nostalgic feeling, inspired by the Showa era.
In her early twenties, she moved from Fukuoka to Tokyo, and has produced music videos and moving images for leading Japanese Hip-Hop artists and other genres, such as m-flo, BADHOP, LEX, peavis, and SUNABAGUN.
LUVHAIR was able to get a closer look at her day to day life and her creative process.

Why did you start making animations?
At first, I was more interested in the images and movies than animation per se, so I was making foreign music videos and movies, but I've loved drawing since I was a child, so I thought it might be interesting to create a video with my own drawings, and that's when I started working in earnest.
I want to make an animation that looks like a foreign cartoon, but with a bit of a Japanese touch. I like it a lot.
What’s next for you as an artist?
I have a strong desire to work with artists from overseas, but I'd rather work outside of Japan than with anyone in particular. Animation is a culture that Japan can be proud of, so I think it would be fun to collaborate overseas.
Ohira's comment:
Nostalgic and futuristic.
I like the world where conflicting things coexist.

The difference between Fukuoka and Tokyo is that now that we are in this situation with Corona, I can honestly work from anywhere. Once you get used to the work-flow, I can go back to Fukuoka or stay overseas for longer periods to work. However, there are many wonderful creators in Tokyo, so it's stimulating and inspiring to meet them. That's why I like Tokyo. The people I guess.
What do you do on your days off?
When I'm overwhelmed with work, I write down notes that say, "I want to do this when this work settles down! For example, I want to go to a museum, travel far, or watch the movies I've been meaning to. But in reality, I get burned out after work and end up in a daze for about a week.
What is your daily routine like?
Rhythm of life is quite uneven. I go to sleep when I feel sleepy, and I don't have a set time to wake up. I spend most of my time at my desk drawing animations. But I'm more of a night owl. I think I can concentrate better when I work at night, when it's quiet and people are asleep. I sometimes go for a walk for a change as well.

What’s your creative process like?
I brainstorm with the artists about what kind of atmosphere they want to create in their work. From there, I design the characters, build the story, storyboard, and animate.
There are times when I make work of larger scale that I have staff with me, but basically I do everything from drawing to editing by myself.
How long does a project usually take you?
It's hard to say about music videos because it depends on the quality of the pictures and the amount of movement, but the fastest ones take about two weeks. However, sometimes it can take up to two to three months.

Do you have a self-care routine?
I often take a bath when I need to refresh myself since I work at home all day. Sometimes I take a bath two or three times a day. I feel refreshed after taking a bath, and taking care of my skin afterwards is like a hobby of mine.
I also like sauna, so I go there often.
そしてLUVHAIRを通して、ちゃんと買うものを選んでいこうと思った! 勉強になったね!
Before this collaboration with LUVHAIR, I knew that I should use products that were good for the earth and environment, but I hadn't done the research on my own.
By collaborating with LUVHAIR I was able to do my own research and study this further because it is impossible to create an animation without a clear understanding of what is good for the earth and the environment and what is bad for it.
So through LUVHAIR, I now choose carefully what I am buying.
I learned a lot!